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2024-25 Booster Club Committees

We are seeking booster club volunteers to fill several open positions. Vacancies are highlighted in yellow. Interested in volunteering for a committee? Please email

Jaguar Spirit Booster Board

President: Melanie Medina

1st Vice President: Megan Graff

2nd VP (Sponsorships): Kara Broeker

Treasurer: Cheryl Smith

2nd Treasurer: OPEN

Secretar: Ameena Payne

Squad Moms

Varsity: Tiffany Rupp and Denise Robinson

JV: Stephanie Powell and Julie Mosty

Freshmen: Pam McDonald and Amanda Hudson


Squad moms are responsible for communicating information from the coaches and board. They also organize squad events such as Family Picnic, Mound Showdown, Senior Week/Senior Night, Holiday Party, etc. Squad moms collect money from parents for coaches’ gifts (birthday, holiday, & banquet), squad banquet gifts, senior week, cheer events, game meals, etc.

Video/Team Photographers

Video Chair: OPEN

Varsity Photographer: Freelancer 

JV Photographer: Suzanne Plant

Freshman Photographer: Jennifer Grubaugh


Team Photographers: One parent from each squad will be responsible for taking pictures at games and events of all team members during the school year. Coaches will determine the time for pictures to be taken during games/events. They will also be responsible for uploading pictures to the FMHS Cheer Shutterfly site in a timely manner after each event.


Videography: A video is made showing highlights of the year, with everyone contributing photos and video clips. The video chair is responsible for organizing the making of the video, collecting all the photos and video clips, selecting who will make the video and working closely with them to keep it organized, within budget, and ready in time for the banquet. The video chair will also be responsible for securing the projector, screen, and equipment to make sure that everything works properly for the video at banquet. They will work with the banquet chair.

Letter Jacket & Patches Committee

Co-Chairs: Candance Dalbey and Jackie Ross

Committee: Kandy Tuininga


Coordinates group jacket order for new Varsity members. Parents pay vendor directly for jacket order. Chair distributes jackets when complete. Chair coordinates special event patch orders for State, Nationals, etc. Chair pays for order and collects individual payments from parents. Chair coordinates the coaches banquet awards patch order that is paid by booster.

Banquet Committee

Co-Chairs: Suzanne Plant and Nadine Glaser

Committee: Kellie Apfel, Julie Mosty, Stephanie Powell, McKenzie Evans, Kandy Tuininga, Shantay Peloquin


Organizes the end of the year banquet; selects location, date, and menu, working closely with the treasurer to stay within budget; plans decorations, menu, designs and sends invitations, organizes agenda/program, and sets up/tear down the decorations and tables the day of the banquet.

Spiritwear Sales Committee

Co-Chairs: Tiffany Rupp and Stephanie McGilvray

Committee: Tina Werstak, Stacey Budd, Stephanie Powell, Nadine Glaser, Jayme Nemec.


Organizes the Freshmen & JV cheerleaders and their parents to sell spirit items at all home Varsity football games, sell spirit items during the Jr Jag Clinic, orders spirit items as requested by board/approved by coaches, stores spirit items, sells spirit items at other FMHS functions as decided by the coaches.

Pomming Committee

Co-Chairs: Stephanie McGilvray and Candace Dalbey

Committee: Amanda Hudson


​This committee helps coordinate this fundraiser. Varsity sports seniors are chosen during the football, volleyball and basketball seasons to be “Pommed”. Cheerleaders deliver/decorate the players yard with pom poms, and signs that say “you've been pommed”. Donations are suggested and cheerleaders collect them when they pick up all of the supplies. This committee will work with booster clubs to determine who and how the pomming is done. It’s a fun way to recognize a senior player and create neighborhood spirit.

Hospitality/Camp Committee


Co-chairs: Kari Smith and McKenzie Evans

Committee: Deane Cole, Kari Smith, Lisa Chapman, Spring Eatmon


Helps with family picnic planning, camp (snacks/drinks, meals, set up, etc.), gift basket (VARSITY ONLY -filled with snack items) for opposing team cheerleaders, and any other possible events with hospitality needs. Committee must have daytime availability to assist with camps and other events during school hours.

Treasurer/Audit Committee

Chair: Diane Brewer

Committee: Amy Ickert, Lee Smith, Christina Silva


This committee will support the Treasurer with ad hoc duties and will also meet before Sept. 1st to audit the booster accounts.

Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee

Co-Chairs: Megan Graff

Committee: Jackie Ross, Kandy Tuininga, McKenzie Evans, Kari Smith


Our largest and best fundraising opportunities. It promotes community involvement and spirit among local businesses. Cheerleaders go out into the community and solicit sponsorship donations at 3 different levels giving the business an opportunity for advertising and exposure and to support the cheerleading program. It is important this fundraiser start as soon as the new cheer year begins in May in order to get businesses before other groups solicit. **Being on this committee does not require you to fundraise - we need help with spreadsheets and other administrative details** This committee needs a co-chair!

Jr. Jags Clinic Committee

Co-Chairs: Megan Graff, Julie Mosty

Committee: Laura Blalock, Kellie Apfel, Nadine Glaser, Amanda Hudson, Jayme Nemec


Fundraiser held at FMHS, on a Saturday, for elementary and middle school girls. Committee is in charge of contacting all FMHS feeder elementary and middle schools and getting info/forms to parents via flyers/posters/website/announcements, etc. The committee will work the clinic helping with registration, shirt distribution, snacks, etc. The Jr. Jag cheerleaders will “perform” at a designated home football or basketball game (per the coaches). The committee will also assist with that game where needed.

Public Relations & Social Media Committee

Co- Chairs: Melanie Medina, Kim Sanchez


This committee works with local media outlets to secure media coverage of the FMHS program. It also manages the FMHS Booster Club Facebook account.

Website Committee

Co-Chairs: Erin Benton, Melanie Medina


The website committee updates the website.



Email us at if you're a booster club member interested in any open roles!

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